Status reports that are no longer current may be found here.
We are now fully upgraded to FuGE Version 1. There are a couple of outstanding issues related to session management that will get sorted in the next couple of weeks. There is now a general, all-purpose login to the sandbox (test) installation. The username is 'Anonymous' and the pass is 'AnonymousPass'. Please feel free to use this account, and please send an email to the SyMBA developer's list if something is wrong with the account. However, if you want your own space, then please contact the same mailing list to request it. For more information on the sandbox installation, please visit SyMBA's technical documentation .
There is now a general, all-purpose login to the sandbox (test) installation. The username is 'Anonymous' and the pass is 'AnonymousPass'. Please feel free to use this account, and please send an email to the SyMBA developer's list if something is wrong with the account. However, if you want your own space, then please contact the same mailing list to request it. For more information on the sandbox installation, please visit SyMBA's technical documentation .
A large number of changes were incorporated into this release, mainly dealing with session management, bug fixing, and code refactoring. For more information, please see theChange Report.
A number of new searches have been added, and we have extended the options available to users building SyMBA templates (see theChange Report).
The CARMEN neuroscience project required a modification to the way the Protocol Templates are handled by the SyMBA webapp. All code changes for this release reflect this need. (see theChange Report).
The main feature of this release is the upgrading of the Andromda plugin from 3.2-SNAPSHOT to 3.2 (see theChange Report).
This is an incremental release that was mainly created to fix a few minor bugs and added a feature (see theChange Report). The entire SyMBA project now runs wholly from SourceForge.
This is an incremental release that was mainly created to fix a few minor bugs, and to bring the code up to a standard that could be deposited into the SourceForge Subversion repository. It is built with Maven 2.0.7, an improvement on the earlier maven 1 build system. At the same time as the sandbox release of 7.09 is published, the full code of SyMBA will be deposited on SourceForge.
The following changes have been made to SyMBA since 7.04:
The CISBAN Data Portal and Integrator is now available in a beta-stage public sandbox version . Please note that this is not yet a stable release, and any data you may upload to the server may be deleted at any time. Major changes since last month include multiple-file upload facilities, and a more generic system for reading and displaying the protocols from the database. You will need a logon to access this database, which you may request from the symba-devel mailing list . This is low-level security that only serves to prevent anonymous load on the database and to keep your sandbox area separate from others. For more information on the sandbox SyMBA, please visit SyMBA's technical documentation .
We are pleased to announce that the CISBAN Data Portal and Integrator is now available in a public sandbox version . Please note that this release is still at an early beta stage, and any data you may upload to the server may be deleted at any time. You will need a logon to access this database, which you may request from the symba-devel mailing list . This is a low-level of security that will only serve to prevent anonymous load on the database and to keep your sandbox area separate from others. For more information on the sandbox SyMBA, please visit SyMBA's technical documentation .
We are on-track to get a sandbox version of SyMBA out by the first week of March, and an initial download a week or two after that. I've now extended the UML further to include more queries over the database, and I've added a "friendly" identifier to the RawData class. This friendly ID is unique but optional, and will be used within CISBAN to have a shorter (than the LSID), biologist-friendly human-readable name that can be used by the biologist. I didn't use for this purpose as it is non-unique and I didn't wish to change the purpose of that attribute from the standard. Also, a few more bugs in the FuGE-OM were discovered and fixed. Finally, we've now had two internal live demos which has provided us with a lot of useful feedback both in functionality and in look-and-feel. Work is progressing well.
The Milestone 3 FuGE-OM has been extended to include a set of classes whose sole purpose is to provide a basis for a versioning system conforming to the LSID specification . XML marshaling and unmarshaling code has been added to and integrated into the FuGE Milestone 3 toolkit available from the FuGE project development pages . Testing using XML based on the FuGE-ML XSD (created with randomly-generated values) is progressing well. Similarly, the JSP-based front-end is well into development and will be finished in a matter of weeks.
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